Parsing of web app receipts in Django. django-receipts is a Django app to parse web application receipts in Django. It follows the same syntax as the verification service at thee Mozilla Marketplace.This is optional, you can just verify your receipt...

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Before you can think about getting this to work you'll need:- A graphite server running processing the data from statsd- Some django middleware that sends the data to statsdPystatsd: will need this fork until my...

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receipts 0.2.7

receipts creates a Python script called receipts that will find Web App receipts in your Firefox install and then allows you to check them against the verification service contained within the receipt.Tested on OS X, not sure about support for other...

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django-mysql-pool is a Django app to alter ENGINE to mysql_pool. You can add some DATABASE_POOL_ARGS, for example:DATABASE_POOL_ARGS = { 'max_overflow': 10, 'pool_size':5, 'recycle':300}Optionally, add a sa_pool_key value so we don't need...

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django-shellng is a Django management command to start a shell and auto-import all models. Unlike django command extensions shell_plus it doesn't print out a load of gunk to the shell. Provides a signal so that you can add in extra imports that are...

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