
FontDoc 1.3.0 updated

One day I got very sick of maintaining samples of my 300 fonts by hand. So I wrote this utilitiy to generate font catalogs. It can even generate catalog samples for fonts that aren't installed. FontDoc makes a plain old Rich Text document full of...


Bricksmith 2.6.1

Bricksmith is a Virtual 3D Lego modeling tool. It's an especially useful tool for creating instructions for one's Lego creations. Bricksmith offers thousands of parts and dozens of colors. You'll have the ability to create steps and submodels for...

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Allenroids 1.5.1 updated

An asteroids clone with retro-style graphics, Allenroids includes not only the endless fun of mindlessly shooting rocks, but also hostile aliens and a two-player mode in which opponents can blast each other to smithereens if they feel especially...

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