
repoze.profile 2.0 Beta 1

repoze.profile is an app that provides a WSGI middleware component which aggregates profiling data across all requests to a WSGI application. It provides a minimal web GUI for viewing profiling data.Plese see the docs directory for Sphinx...

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repoze.retry implements a WSGI middleware filter which intercepts "retryable" exceptions and retries the WSGI request a configurable number of times. If the request cannot be satisfied via retries, the exception is reraised.Please see the...

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repoze.sphinx.autointerface defines an extension for the Sphinx documentation system. The extension allows generation of API documentation by introspection of zope.interface instances in code.Installation:Install via easy_install:bin/easy_install...

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repoze.tm2 is a middleware which uses the ZODB transaction manager to wrap a call to its pipeline children inside a transaction. This is a fork of the package which depends only on the transaction package rather than the entirety of ZODB...

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repoze.urchin provides a WSGI middleware for injecting the markup required to use Google Analytics into web pages.Please see docs/index.rst for detailed documentation. What is new in this release: Replaced urchin javascript with new async tracking...

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repoze.vhm 0.14

repoze.vhm provides middleware and utilities for doing virtual hosting within a WSGI/Repoze environment. It is particularly useful within a repoze.zope2 environment, where it may be used as an alternative to the classic VirtualHostMonster: method of doing...

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repoze.who is an authentication and identification framework for arbitrary WSGI applications. repoze.who can be configured either as WSGI middleware or as an API for use by an application.repoze.who is inspired by Zope 2's Pluggable Authentication Service...

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repoze.workflow is a state machine and associated configuration system useful for workflow-like applications. Refer to docs/index.rst or the online docs for further information.What is new in this release:Repair packaging error (incomplete tarball in...

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