
Mango 1.0

Mango is a basic MongoDB driver for .NET developers, letting them easily interface with a local or remote database at will.The entire Mango library is contained in one single C# file and can easily be added to any existing project.Mango is also available...

The CSS3 Microsoft Modern Buttons package is perfect for creating Web-based apps that look like the new Windows 8 Modern (formerly known as Metro) UI.The buttons themselves are built atop the default Bootstrap buttons component and support their...

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SimpleTreejs works by converting a collection of nested HTML lists into a beautified tree widget, reminiscent of the classic Windows Explorer navigation sidebar.Users can collapse and expand the options they like, searching and selecting the data they're...


SpacedOut 1.0

SpacedOut was built on the Avgrund menu, but with a few small modifications. The menu animations are handled via CSS3 3D transforms, making them pretty easy to add to any website's structure, while also easier to customize.The menu actually only interacts...

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Pouchnote 1.0

The Pouchnote accounting system can be used by any individual, regardless of profession or the income & expense types.The application runs on modern Ruby installations, working with both MySQL and SQLite3 databases.Pouchnote lets admins add income and...

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The Windows 8 Modal library automates the process of showing a modal window's body at the same width as the user's screen (100%), so developers won't have to use and adapt other lightbox scripts for the same task.Windows 8 Modal is written in pure...

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