HTTP Header

HTTP Header 1.0.1

HTTP Header allows you to view the HTTP response headers that the web server returns when requesting a URL. The HTTP responses are shown in a pop-up window, displayed on the top right corner of the current page. It works with HTTP and HTTPS...

Port Scanner extension determines lively services on the host using TCP port interrogations. Port Scanner will check which TCP ports are listening. You can test these ports to see if they are running. It is recommended that any services which are not...

HTML Color Coder is simple extension which gives you the HTML color code for any selected color. There are two method of color coder. First method gives you the HTML color code of the selected color square. Second method is the color picker. You just have...

Whois Lookup

Whois Lookup 1.0.1

Whois-Lookup extension finds out information about domain names including the name servers associated with the domain, the domain Administrative and registrar, Billing and Technical contacts with email and postal addresses. After clicking on...

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Whois Lookup for FireFox extension finds out information about domain names including the name servers associated with the domain, the domain Administrative and registrar, Billing and Technical contacts with email and postal addresses. After clicking on...