
DBExpose 3.0

The difficulty is in entering and maintaining the DB Table And Column Names in code. Doing so manually is a tedious, time consuming and error prone process. This is particularly true when a database is being designed and set up during a development...

Double Text

Double Text 4.3.2

Double Text is a Repeat Text Writer. Text stored in Double Text Library Files can be duplicated endlessly with each new duplication being customized as needed based on user created markers embedded in the text. Repetition of documents is intuitive, quick...

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myOwn10-Key has loads of features you simply can't get on any mechanical adding machine at any price. This program pays for itself quickly with reduced office supply expenses and fewer replacement equipment purchases. You no longer have to buy packages of...

myOwnPay is an innovative approach to personal financial management that was created out of practical necessity. It is like no program you have ever experienced. First, a brief description follows of what myOwnPayday will not do. This software is so...

Trend Importer

Trend Importer

The trending data saved in building automation system (BAS) trend logs are used to determine whether HVAC equipment is functioning as intended, and to evaluate opportunities for energy conservation and cost savings. Trend logs are often the basis upon...

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