Instagram zoom is a free tool allowing to enlarge thumbnail Instagram images by hovering over them with your mouse. Stay on the same page and get automatic Instagram photo zoom, magnifing the images you are looking at.Simply move the mouse cursor over...

Sometimes it feels like Facebook forgot that Facebook is about us and our friends, not about corporates and ads. Block Facebook Ads removes all those annoying ads that ruin our favorite social network. It eliminates all advertisements and sponsored links...

Facebook Zoom is the best way of viewing photos on Facebook. A free, intuitive, time-saving tool, Facebook Zoom allows you to see full-size images of photo albums, profile photos and more without ever leaving the page you're on. Facebook Zoom will magnify...

Facebook Emoticons gives you many emoticons, smiley and icons. It is a simple add-on to your Facebook page. It adds a wide variety of emoticons, smileys and icons for you to choose from. Once you download and install Facebook Emoticons, a little smiley...

AutoTweeter is desktop software which can be used to send scheduled tweets to your twitter account. AutoTweeter can be used for your marketting needs or can be used for fun to send out occasional scheduled casual tweets to your twitter. Autotweeter...