Did you know that almost half of the bandwidth used on a regular Internet browsing session is consumed by downloading advertisments? Are you sick and tired of having to close tens of windows that load automatically content you do not even want to see? Did...

Our software goes above and beyond your typical spyware removal software and actively monitors which programs are running on your computer. If it sees a spyware or adware program trying to start, it will stop it dead in it's tracks. It prevents any...

Adware Agent is a Windows product for monitoring and protecting your PC from those annoying spyware/adware/worm-infused programs that run on your PC without your knowledge. These programs can send your browsing history back to their companies, slow down...

Adware Blocker is spyware, malware, and adware detector, remover, and shields. Adware Blocker easily detects and removes all forms of spyware and adware with a few clicks. Easy to use desgined for advanced and/or beginner users that does not need high...

Adware Protection is an advanced but easy-to-use anti-spyware tool that removes spyware, adware, malware, hijacker programs, and immunizes them to block future spyware threats that may invade your privacy and even steal your credit card numbers or...