ETXT 1.0

ETXT is a tool to write and share your secret notes. You can write and share notes with anyone on the internet or by email, on forums, blogs, website, and file hosting service. Only who have ETXT can read the text encrypted. ETXT can also convert normal...

InfBlocker is an application protects the computer against virus from infected USB flash drive. It has an ability to lock autorun.inf files and its associate executable files in a multiple instance of plugging USB flash drive. It also removes or disables...

InfBlocker Pro is an application protects the computer against virus from infected USB flash drive. It has an ability to lock autorun.inf files and its associate executable files in a multiple instance of plugging USB flash drive. It also removes or...

VirCleaner software protects the computer against virus. It has an ability to protect your system in real-time mode. It also removes the suspicious files. VirCleaner is a cleaning tool and removing threats for the treatment of infected PCs. VirCleaner is...