Create a unique search tool based on JavaScript for your Web site to make it more usable. You don't need any server-side scripts to use it. The program can index HTML, PHP, ASP, RTF, DOC, PDF and text files. You can control the page ranking: more relevant...

Domain Name Analyzer is a free Windows-based software for finding the best domain names for your product or business. Start checking for available domain names with a single click. Domain Name Analyzer also allows you to save results for future use. It...

Find the ultimate popular domain name using powerful brainstorming with a built-in automatic thesaurus, advanced search with word groups and positional settings, advanced pattern search, acronyms and Net Speak. Domain Name Pro also identifies expired and...

Search for available domain names based on keywords or a specific domain that you have in mind. If the domain does not exist, Domain Seeka will suggest alternative names that are available. Refine your results with the extension filter (.com, .net), or...

eBay Auction Sniper is the professional online bidding software used to snipe and win eBay Auctions. eBay auctions are often lost in the last few seconds of the auction because the majority of people wait until the last seconds to place their bids. Sniper...

Ebay Typo Auction locator locates auctions at Ebay where the seller has misspelled the item being auctioned. Find auctions with little or no bids because buyers can't find the auction. Pick up a bargain and save some money. Saves you the time of searching...

EF Find U3

EF Find U3 7.10

EF Find is a search program for Windows 32 bit. Look for files, text, HEX sequences and regular expressions inside archives (7-Zip, ACE, ARC, ARJ, BZIP2, CAB, CPIO, GZIP, IMG, ISO (ISO9660), LHA, RAR, RPM, SFX, SQX, TAR, TBZ, TGZ, ZIP, Zip64, ZOO).The...

Enrique Iglesias Search Toolbar provides opportunities to win exclusive Enrique Iglesias prizes by searching the Web. The results come from Google and Ask, and there is no adware or spyware. The toolbar also features custom buttons that link directly to...

Eracash Toolbar is a free, customizable toolbar that lets you navigate your favorite sites and search the Web from anywhere. Eracash Toolbar also includes features like Chat and Radio. Customize your toolbar and save your bookmarks online for one-click...