
EnergyProbe 5.4.5

EnergyProbe is a leading edge Windows application designed for utility load researchers, account managers, building performance simulation engineers and energy consultants to help explore, summarize and analyze electric and gas load data. Because it can...

The volume of research publications added every day to the human-knowledge base on PubMed is overwhelming. Staying current with the most recent research is critical for the success of scientists. PubMedAlertMe can help users keep up-to-date with their...

VisualValid is a software for reading coordinates from a xy graphic chart stored in an image file. The user calibrates the coordinate system and then the software picks up the coordinates of selected points on the xy graphic chart. The digitized chart...

EnergyLogger is a simple, native, cross-platform application designed to take the place of the Python scripts developed for the original Tweet-A-Watt project. By providing a user-friendly GUI interface for monitoring and logging data from the wireless...


SonicGGS 6.05.16

SonicGGS takes a number of objects and their properties like mass, radius, initial position and velocity, and calculates their gravitational interaction. Result of calculations is a moving scene displayed on the screen. There is also a feature for...