
EngineSim 1.7

EngineSim works in two modes: Design Mode or Tunnel Test Mode. In the Design Mode, you can change design variables including the flight conditions, the engine size, the inlet performance, the turbo machinery compressor and turbine performance, the...

FoilSim 3

FoilSim 3 1.4b

The Airfoil View Panel is a simulated view of a wing being tested in a wind tunnel with air moving past it from left to right. Students change the position and shape of the wing by moving slider controls that vary the parameters of airspeed, altitude,...

KiteModeler works in three modes: Design Mode, Trim Mode, or Flight Mode. In the Design Mode you pick from five basic types of kite designs. You can then change design variables including the length and width of various sections of the kite. You can also...

You can change design variables including the size, and shape of the rocket body, the fins, the nose cone. You can also select different materials for each component. RocketModeler 3 calculates the weight of the rocket and determines the drag coefficient...

The GasLab is a series of computer animations which demonstrate all the possible combination of the ideal gas law or equation of state. Gases have various properties which we can observe with our senses, including the gas pressure, temperature, mass, and...


TunnelSim 1.0g

TunnelSim solves the continuity equation for a geometry that you specify using sliders and input boxes. The analysis is limited to incompressible, inviscid, one-dimensional flows, and the program warns the user if the diffuser angle exceeds a separation...


TunnelSys 1.0d

TunnelSys combines three computer programs, the design and wind tunnel test programs, and a post-processing program to plot the results from the wind tunnel test. With the post-processing program you can compare the results from multiple wind tunnel test...

World Wind

World Wind 1.4.0

World Wind lets you zoom from satellite altitude into any place on Earth. Leveraging Landsat satellite imagery and Shuttle Radar Topography Mission data, World Wind lets you experience Earth terrain in visually rich 3D, as if you were really there....