
eMushaf 1.2

eMushaf provides the whole Quran and a collection of multilanguage translations and tafseer (Interpretation). The Quran Viewer allows you to browse, navigate and search verses of the Quran. These interpretation are available in Arabic, plus several...


Salaty 1.0.9

Salaty is a new Arabic program helps you to remember times of prayer. Also helps you to mention of Allah and has many other advantages. The new on this program that it has a modern beautiful interface, Grapping advices and news from Internet , Azan...


eQuran 3.5

eQuran provides the whole Quran and a collection of the different books of el Hadeeth in one compact package. eQuran provides two identities: the Quran Viewer and the Hadeeth Viewer. The Quran Viewer allows you to browse, navigate and search verses of the...