Letter Chain

Letter Chain 1.2.3

Chain letters together to form words. The more difficult the word, the higher the score. Each level offers a different board configuration and different requirements for winning. Can also use a spelling list to create the game...

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The Zoo Race is an animal zoo racing game for kids. People changed into animals and participates in the race Games of Celebration after the world flood. Endure a lot of obstacles on the racetrack, which will slow down the participants and includes...

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Enjoy playing 4 racing games in one gadget. Play Hell Cops, Turbo Trucks, The Heist and Slot Car Grand Prix. A new space saving feature for your desktop. Just click on one of the four photos to load that game. - Hell Cops on the way for fresh...

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Journey cross country from Chicago to Seattle on the road using the vehicle of your choice. Face obstacles of all sorts: bad road conditions, highway robbers, flat tires, and a waiting lover. Bring up to 5 people along, choose among 5 vehicles, includes...

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Hyperball Racing is a computer racing game set in a fantasy world with legends based on a place we know as Earth. The game includes several race modes: tutorials, championship, time trial and quick race. The full version of the game features an extensive...

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A two player coop game, featuring the most unconventional mechanics this side of the year 2014. In this 80's game, play as a part of rebels trying to take down the message of oppression. Be the hacker and change the Billboards to show the actual message...

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Play parking adventure game with 9 super levels. You need to demonstrate your car driving skills to win this game. Parking place is fast full with cars, You must find free parking place for you car, you should drive your car very carefully, because there...

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DiRT demo

DiRT demo 1.0

DiRT is the continuation of the Colin McRae off-road racing series. DiRT goes beyond the series' point-to-point rallying to deliver a diverse selection of extreme off-road competitions. DiRT features gravel, mud, and dirt racing events, including the...

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Attack Of The Bulldozers is a very addictive multiplayer game for up to four players that involves driving a bulldozer around and shooting/ramming your opponents to death. Power-ups temporarily increase players' speed, give them bigger explosions, more...

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