Figure out locations of the bombs on the field. You never thought the field can be 3-dimensional, 4-dimensional or even 6-dimensional. Three interactive tutorials and a smart system of cell-highlighting will help you survive your search for bombs.What is...

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Steam Puzzle

Steam Puzzle 1.2.1

For all you puzzle-solvers, methodizers, elucidaters, and unravelers, listen up! This is not your grandfather's Rubik's cube. Steam Puzzle is a arcade-puzzle game of rearrangement, delightfully baked into a flavorful steam-punk setting. The basic...

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For all you puzzle-solvers, methodizers, elucidaters, and unravelers, listen up. This is not your grandfather's Rubik's cube. Steam Puzzle is a arcade-puzzle game of rearrangement, delightfully baked into a flavorful steam-punk setting. The basic...

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