
JDock 1.4

JDock is a pure java swing docking framework for managing/moving/resizing inner windows or components working with a layout manager like a BorderLayout or a GridBagLayout. Here a list of features : Compatible with standard java layouts (BorderLayout,...

JFindReplace is a "find and replace" swing component working with various options (regulation expression, incremental mode...) and standard text components like JTextArea, JTextPane, JEditorPane.... Built with a GridBagLayout Forward/Backward...

JResourceBrowser is a swing component similar to the javax.swing.JFileChooser but letting the user navigating into a set of directories bound to various protocols or containers. For an usage sample, listing an ftp directory, creating a new file and...


JXMLPad 4.1

A java swing based component for editing XML document. JXMLPad works with DTD, W3C XML Schema and RelaxNG, it has syntax coloration, real time location and tree. Easily embedded in any java applications or applets.What is new in this release: Default...


XFlows 3.0.1

XFlows is an XML and XSLT integrated solution, it helps you to create complex scenarios, transforming a set of files with XSLT, publishing your result into a remote server, exporting and importing data with your database using XML Files, converting your...