
AdCleaner 1.4

AdCleaner blocks annoying banners, pop-ups and protects browsers' shortcuts from being changed by other applications. AdCleaner is very fast and does not consume a lot of system resources. You may enable showing of 'good' ads (such as Google Adwords,...


AdCop 1.1.98

AdCop stops unwanted popup ads, windows, and applications. Enforce Rules mode kills windows or applications based on their names. Auto Kill mode limits the number of visible windows for a particular application to one. Lockdown mode doesn't allow any new...


AdFree 3.2

This simple and efficient ad blocker removes ads by utilizing the Hosts file to block sites. It's easy to use and doesn't use proxies. You can manually choose which sites to block or automatically download a list of servers. It filters the Web, AIM, and...


Adguard 5.10

Adguard is an ad blocking program that is justifiably among three best ad blockers in the world together with Adblock and Adblock Plus extensions. However, Adguard is not limited to banal banners removing; it is a universal program that contains all the...


Adskip 1.3.816.9903 updated

Adskip is a free ad blocker that allows you to block annoying ads and domains known to spread malware.Available for all Windows , Adskip uses filters that you choose to block all unwanted elements such as video ads, pop-up ads , web ads and many other...

Block useless image, flash, html and text ads/banners. Stop harmful web counters tracing your browsing activities. Speed up downloading web pages. Work with all popular web browsers as well as blocks built-in ads in many popular adware programs (Opera,...


AdwCleaner 4.205 updated

AdwCleaner is a free tool that will scan your computer and efficiently removes Adware (ads softwares), PUP/LPI (Potentially Undesirable Program), Toolbars, Hijacker (Hijack of the browser's homepage). It also features anti adware host that will help to...