What happens if you are computer science student at Stony Brook, you're a serious fan of old NES and Genesis sidescrollers, you have a somewhat twisted sense of humor, and you have way too much time on your hands? Well, what happens is something like...

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MS Paint Meets Lemmings: In this ingenious puzzle platformer, you guide a crew of little characters to the level's exit by painting--connecting ramps with orange paint, walls with red paint, jumping platforms with blue paint, and so on. You have a limited...

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Arrgh! Die!Here's another genre they don't make any more--2D third-person platform shooters, like Duke Nuke'm back before the Duke went 3D. Developed pretty much by one guy (Dusan Stevanovic), it's a darn impressive effort for a one-man shop. If hopping...

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In Glow, you play a badass guy with a sword invading the depths of Hell, apparently because your equally badass wife is so badass that Satan has taken a fancy to, and abducted, her. As you might expect in a plat former, there are secret areas, carefully...

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