MDI Converter to view or convert mdi file. With MDI Converter users can convert mdi file to a single pdf document, Text file, or image formats like jpg, bmp, tif, and png. It also be used as other image formats converter. Convert all supported image...

DeepSkyStacker is for astrophotography that simplifies all the pre-processing steps of deep sky pictures and is specialized in dealing with RAW files from DSLRs. Main features: automatic registration of a set of light frames, sub pixel registration,...


PicResize 1.0

PicResize allows you to resize any JPG image without losing the quality of the original image. Source code available on SourceForge. - Reduce file size without losing quality - Much faster to upload, store, or share your pictures - Preview the resize...

Photoshop PSD files have a complex multi-layer structure, get extremely big and often contain the results of several weeks of scrupulous work done by professional artists. All of these characteristics - size, potential value of data and internal...