Black border removal is a feature of document management software that automatically removes the black edges of a document that has been digitally scanned. Black border edges can cause problems with optical character recognition (OCR) software....

Forms often contain preprinted elements such as field boxes or character boxes. Scanned documents in some cases also have horizontal or vertical lines due to the banding or folding of papers. Dealing with those artifacts is a challenging task for a system...

Despeckle is the process of removing speckles from images (especially bitmaps created using a scanner). Speckles are artifacts which are extra pixels (or collections of extra pixels) that can occur in scanned images because of imperfections in the scanner...

The page orientation of a document is defined as the printing direction of text lines. Therefore the page orientation can be in either horizontal printing mode (portrait mode) or vertical printing mode (landscape mode). The page orientation correction is...

Faxed documents often contain annoying horizontal lines due to communication noise on the telephone line. Scanned document in some cases, also have horizontal or vertical lines due to the banding or folding of papers. By utilizing LinesHelper these lines...

The page orientation of a document is defined as the printing direction of text lines. Therefore the page orientation can be in either horizontal printing mode (portrait mode) or vertical printing mode (landscape mode). The page orientation correction is...

An image viewer is a computer program that displays a stored graphical image; it can often handle various graphics file formats. Such software usually renders the image according to properties of the display such as color depth and display resolution. In...

Forms often contain preprinted elements as field rakes (or combs) or character rakes (or combs). Scanned document in some cases, also have horizontal or vertical lines due to the banding or folding of papers. Dealing with those artifacts is a challenging...

Typical OCR software can handle only binary images with black pixels representing text and white pixels representing background. It isn't unusual in modern documents to have inverted text zones and normal text zones within the same document. ZoneHelper...