PassKeep is a password reader that is interoperable with KeePass 2.x. Browse your password collection in style. It features works with your existing KeePass 2.x database, supports reading and searching in both snapped and portrait views, optionally...

Password Blocks

Password Blocks

Password Blocks is a light, quick, and easy to use password manager. You can create/edit groups and accounts easily with the functions presented on the app. You can also choose colors to help differentiate between groups and accounts. Use the search...

Passwords Base

Passwords Base 6.05 updated

Today, as the Internet has become an integral part of the personal computer, you will need to enter passwords for access to different services. To get Windows network access, access to FTP file storage, social networks such as "Facebook" or "Twitter",...

Have you ever wonder "Is there an app to keep track of what my password and username without overcomplicated UI and big size app?" Well, there is an app just like you wish. There's like thousand out there. But why you want to choose Password...

Code Vault for Windows 8 manages your passwords, codes, and logon information. Very handy tool if you have several unique accounts and passwords and need a way to keep track of them. It manages website accounts, banking accounts, email accounts, and...