NASLite 2.06

NASLite is a collection of single floppy disk based Network Attached Storage (NAS) Server Operating Systems designed to transform a basic computer into a dedicated file server.NASLite v1.x is intended primarily for use in a small business or home office...

Socks Server 5

Socks Server 5 3.8.9-2

SS5 is a socks server that implements the SOCKS v4 and v5 protocol. As a proxy server, SS5 authenticates, profiles and processes network requests for clients.Socks Server 5 establishes connections to application hosts for client applications. When the...


LPBS 0.9.0

LPBS (Local Portable Batch System) is a tool to emulate PBS on a local workstation.PBS/TORQUE is a job scheduling system that is used on many high performance computing clusters. The LPBS package provides tools to run PBS job scripts on a local...


RabbIT 4.11

RabbIT is a proxy for HTTP, it is HTTP/1.1 compliant (testing being done with Co-Advisors test, and should hopefully support the latest HTTP/x.x in the future. RabbIT's main goal is to speed up surfing over slow links...


dnspython 1.10.0

dnspython is a DNS toolkit for Python that supports almost all record types. It can be used for queries, zone transfers, and dynamic updates. It supports TSIG authenticated messages and EDNS0.dnspython provides both high and low level access to DNS....


Pactester 1.0.8

Pactester is an utility to test Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) files.PAC files are used by browsers to determine the 'right' proxy for a URL. Since the PAC file evaluation mechanism is generated inside the browser and cannot be accessed from outside, the...


Pash 1.1

Pash is a multiplatform PowerShell implementation.The main goal is to provide a rich shell environment for other operating systems as well as to provide a hostable scripting engine for rich applications. The user experience should be seamless for people...