NMath Stats contains a data table class with functions for computing descriptive statistics, such as mean, variance, standard deviation, percentile, median, quartiles, geometric mean, harmonic mean, RMS, kurtosis, skewness, and many more; PDF, CDF,...

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With its help you can create documents during execution of programs, arbitrary edit internal structure. The document will look on the screen such by what it will be printed out on a paper. You can transform the document to formats PDF, HTML,...

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{smartassembly} is a .NET software improvement and protection tool. It will obfuscate and protect your .NET code and software, optimize your .NET assembly for better deployment, minimize distribution size, increase performance, and add powerful...

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Build your own scalable Internet/Intranet server application in .NET with every connection getting an individual thread. Easy-to-use TCP and UDP components allow for Internet client applications with only a few lines of code and convenient events. The...

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UML Editor

UML Editor 3.4.2

UML Editor is a powerful utility designed to foster a model driven architecture. The UML or INTERLIS editor is an attempt to facilitate the application of the model driven approach to a greater number of...

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Nevron User Interface for .NET (Win Forms) has a remarkable render quality and speed, rich and powerful docking library, professional and extensible command bars and unique features, such as skinnable forms, rich-text labels, modern fill effects (glass,...

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.NET News On Your Desktop is a project developed by Blocks4.NET in order to notify .NET users/developers community about latest .NET components news. This is an essential tool for software developers that use custom controls, software components, code...

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The Microsoft SOAP Toolkit is deprecated by the .NET Framework. The toolkit provides basic Web services capabilities for COM components and applications. SOAP Toolkit support has been extended from the originally posted July 1, 2004 deadline. Mainstream...

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DotNetSkin helps you create professional skin user interfaces with ease. Just put one component, DotNetSkin will skin all forms and controls in your .NET WinForm applications. You don't need to make modification on your source code. It is very easy to...

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Sofgroup .Net Forms Resize is a professional .Net component that gives your applications forms resolution independence. Softgroup .Net Forms Resize automatically resizes all controls and fonts contained in a .Net Windows Form as they are sized without...

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