dotConnect for Bigcommerce is an ADO.NET provider for working with Bigcommerce data through the standard ADO.NET or Entity Framework interfaces. It allows you to easily integrate Bigcommerce data into your .NET applications, and integrate Bigcommerce...

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Select.Pdf for .NET is a professional PDF library that can be used for creating, writing, editing, handling and reading PDF files without any external dependencies within .NET applications. Using this .NET PDF library, you can implement rich capabilities...

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ActiveGanttCSN Scheduler Control displays all types of data that can be presented in a Gantt Schedule format. An ActiveGantt control can be typically used to display appointments, tasks or other kinds of programmed activities. This component allow you to...

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The powerful editing control, MstHtmlEditor for .NET WinForms allows even non-technical users to author and manage html content utilizing the familiar Microsoft Word processor-like interface for formatting text, setting hyperlinks, building...

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Winnovative RTF to PDF Converter library for .NET can be used to convert RTF strings and files to PDF documents in .NET desktop applications, ASP.NET and MVC websites using C# and VB.NET. You can add footers and headers to the rendered document, set...

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ReportMax 3.6.8 updated

You want to add reports to your Winforms or Webforms .net applications, but you need a light-weight, easy to use but rich and fast reporting tool. ReportMax is the answer. CppMax is pleased to inroduce ReportMax 3.6.8 for .net. ReportMax...

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RWAD Tech OData Server is a .NET application running in different forms. With this product you'll get fully automatical OData server running above existed database. Start service and you will get REST service with great opportunities of OData...

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dotConnect for Salesforce MC is an ADO.NET provider for working with Salesforce MC data through the standard ADO.NET or Entity Framework interfaces. It allows you to easily integrate Salesforce MC data into your .NET applications, and integrate...

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Map Suite Services Edition is a GIS development framework you can use to create spatially aware Windows services, Web services and console applications. Native to the Microsoft .NET Framework, Services Edition offers a next-generation GIS development...

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SSMS Addin - Scripting tool (INSERT to T-SQL) Script data to SQL, MySQL, CSV, & XML) This SQL Server Management Studio Addin will revolutionize the way you export your table data. It's a lightweight and easy to use tool that plugs right in to the...

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