Drum Cabinet

Drum Cabinet 1.306

Not just another drum sequencer. Drum Cabinet allows for use of triplets and quintuplets, flams, and even tempo changes. Combine your patterns into phrases, and phrases into an entire song. Use the royalty-free sounds included, or provide your own. What...


V-Piano 1.1

V-Piano Editor is a software that allows you to use your personal computer to customize the V-Piano's tone parameters in real time. You can now use this accessible and user-friendly software application to set all the tones in no time at...


WarpPro 1.0

WarpPro is the best way to ensure your music is perfectly in time. WarpPro fixes any BPM errors as each beat can be 'Warped' to fix any timing errors in the original production of any track or sample. Whether you're a new or seasoned DJ, producer, live...