
clinch 1.0.3 updated

AMD (Asynchronous Module Definition) modules work mainly with CommonJS, an unofficial standard for server-side JavaScript. Most of the times, CommonJS-comliant code doesn't run properly inside the browser, being specially written for server-side JS...


Esprima 2.7.0 updated

Esprima was written for code structure analysis and is a tool for advanced JS developers only. Works with client-side (browsers) and server-side (Node.js, Rhino) environments.What is new in this release:Support ES6 for-of iteration Support ES6 spread...


Page.js 1.6.4 updated

Modeled after the Express built-in routing system, Page.js ports some of the principles found in server-side JS programming to the browser. Page.js allows developers access to a much more advanced routing and history state management system than they...