
Eco 1.0.3 / 1.1.0 RC3

CoffeeScript is a programming language that compiles into JavaScript.Eco allows developers to embed CoffeeScript syntax inside HTML markup and have it render out as normal HTML code at runtime.Language and syntax references are included with the package's...


Egg.js 0.0.1

Egg.js allows developers to easily configure a simple set of keyboard shortcuts and then execute a series of JavaScript functions when these are pressed.The concept is called Easter eggs or Konami Code, and is often used on live websites to reveal hidden...


es5-shim 4.1.4 updated

Include this library in the header of a page and when accessed from older browsers it will upgrade their engine to support EcmaScript 5, the latest version of JavaScript.It's not a complete implementation, but is at close as it can get.Even if es5-shim...