Registry Alert

Registry Alert

Registry Alert is small security software for your computer registry. It will alert you of any software or spyware programs that appear on startup. You can also create your own alert and watch your registry. It runs in the background and uses few system...

You typed some keyword into search engine, that gave you result you needed but you have forget that phrase? Or you have been working on some writing and your file have been deleted or corrupted by accident? Or your laptop has been stolen and you need to...

Adieux Defense System (or just Adieux) is a file monitoring mechanism that will monitor your computer's processes and services running. With a vast number of ideas for future development of Adieux, there is a wide range of useful ways to take advantage of...

ESET SysInspector (64-Bit) allows an in depth analysis of various aspects of your operating system, including running processes, registry content, startup items and network connections. It sneak into operating system and captures details such as running...



Abcam Power is a software for monitoring and alerting for your business or your home. It can take photos. This software is able to detect movements in the field of view from your webcam and then warn you with an audible even when you're not at home. ...

FAccLog Ultimate

FAccLog Ultimate 1.73 FP1

Does the file server you use now really know "When" "Who" "Where" "What it does"? If you worry about this and if you want to monitor access of your file server, this system is for you!! FAccLog Ultimate is for the customer who needs to work on...

Web based spy software for personal use, monitor remote computer from the internet. AnywhereMonitor is a web-based all-in-one spy monitoring software for Windows, You can view logs from any device if it can access the internet. AnywhereMonitor...

ESET SysInspector (32-Bit) allows an in depth analysis of various aspects of your operating system, including running processes, registry content, startup items and network connections. It sneak into operating system and captures details such as running...



1AVMonitor is a all-in-one surveillance solution that supports any audio video source available on your PC including your Webcam, your desktop, microphone, or phone-line. Features include motion detection, sound detection, e-mail alerts, stealth mode, and...

Skype Spy Monitor Pro secretly records Skype incoming and outgoing IMs, calls and video chats. As it is not a simple keylogger, it logs exact instant messages on both sides of the chatting users. This can be done even Skype chat History is turned off. It...