
jRecorder 1.1

jRecorder allows visitors accessing a page to record audio messages via Flash and send them to the page owner.Custom record, stop and upload events can be handled with this script, with absolutely no need to run Flash server software on the website's host...

It shows single images and photo albums inside an overlayed modal window. The plugin is based on the  Auto Thickbox v.2.0.3 jQuery script.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.Activate the plugin through the...


isit 0.3.3

isit scans environment variables and reports on them when queried.Can be used in detecting: OS typesLinux distributionsPython versionsEndianness typeCPU architectureRequirements:Python 2 or...

Friends Only

Friends Only 0.7.2

This eliminates the need to register for an username or password.This plugin also blocks access to feeds.At first load, the user is prompted to enter his email address to view the blog's content.Installation:Unpack and upload it to the...


urllib3 1.10.4 updated

The Python community has already created and shared to libraries for working with URLs and HTTP connections.These are urllib and urllib2. While both good at what they do, they actually have nothing in common with each other, and with urllib3...

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WooCommerce 2.3.8 updated

WooCommerce can easily transforms WordPress into a complete e-commerce platform, adding all the appropriate and necessary tools for managing anything from products, to taxes, and coupons.This plugin comes with lots of features, ranging from simple...

The library is fully compatible with Flash Player 10, which asks that the clipboard copy operation be initiated by a user click event inside the Flash movie.This is achieved by automatically floating the invisible movie on top of a DOM element of ...

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Google Analytics Tokenizer

Google Analytics Tokenizer 7.x-1.5 / 6.x-1.3

It gives immediate access to analytics data about site users.Installation:Unpack in your modules folder (usually '/sites/all/modules/')Enable under Administer > Site Building > Modules Features: [ga-source] - Search engine, domain name,...

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ZOO 3.3.4 updated

ZOO utilizes the concept of "apps" to extend the built-in Joomla management features with support for new types of content types.Developers can use ZOO to extend Joomla to support more complex setups and be able to function as an online directory, blog,...

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