Clearlooks Inspired is a Metacity theme based on the Clearlooks2-squared with a cherry on top style created by by Marco Aurélio Buono Carone. It features redesigned buttons, inspired by Windows Vista.How to install?For detailed installation...

Clearlooks-Hack is a Metacity theme based on the original Clearlooks style, but features a different aspect ratio and gradient for the buttons.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...

Clearlooks-More is a Metacity theme based on the original Clearlooks theme but with modified buttons, to blend in with the Clearlooks GTK style.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...

ClearlooksRe is an open source theme for the Metacity window decorator, providing a Clearlooks style with a modified restore button icon.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following tutorial:...

ClearPlastic Blue is a Metacity theme based on a theme with the same name, created by Johan Wistrom.It is designed to fit in better with the Crystal for GNOME project's style.How to install?For detailed installation instructions please see the following...