UberSmart Math Facts

UberSmart Math Facts updated

Memorizing multiplication tables doesn't have to be boring. UberSmart Math Facts challenges students much like a game. Except the goal isn't some meaningless 'high score', it's mastery of a skill that they can be proud of and will use for the rest of...


Uconeer 3.0

Professional units conversion for engineers. Uconeer has 450 units in 48 categories. Covers all the basic categories but adds engineering specific categories like enthalpy, entropy, heat capacity, heat transfer coefficient, moment of inertia, stress,...

A times tables quiz all in one you can test your self on all your times tables. There is also a times tables chart which speaks when you click on a button. This is a multicolored software app so it looks good for a child. There is also a built in 24 hour...

UMS Math Editor is the newest formula and text editor, designed for fast editing of papers containing mathematical formulas and tables. It is unique in its simplicity, intuitive interface, productivity and range of features. Any user that has a need to...