FreeJSTAT 22.0E

The following statistical analyses are available: Summary Statistics Frequency Distribution F Test Bartlett's Test Paired t-Test Unpaired t-Test Goodness-of-Fit Test Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test Mann-Whitney U Test OnewayANOVA TwowayANOVA Pearson's...

Function Grapher is graph maker to create 2D, 2.5D, 3D and 4D function graphs, animations and table graphs. 2D functions can be in the form of explicit, parametric, piecewise, implicit and inequality. 3D functions can be in the form of explicit,...


fx-Calc updated

fx-Calc is actually one of the most advanced desktop calculators for Windows. The biggest advantage is the simple and intuitive handling of complex mathematical tasks. Starting with a familiar calculator window, it allows calculating self defined...