
SciGraphica 2.1.1

SciGraphica is a scientific data visualization and analysis application. It supplies many of the basic plotting features for 2D and 3D charts. It features opening several worksheets and plots to work with at the same time and PS output.The libscigraphica...


CLHep 2.06.08

CLHep is intended to be a set of HEP-specific foundation and utility classes such as random generators, physics vectors, geometry, and linear algebra.Some of the files in the examples directory are aimed at showing you how to use HepMC with Pythia....


Yaposib 0.3.2

Yaposib is a Python binding library to OSI, the Open Solver Interface from COIN-OR. It intends to give access to various solvers through python. Yaposib was created in order to be integrated in pulp-or (


BoolStuff 0.1.14

BoolStuff is a C library that can support a few operations on boolean expression binary trees.A command named booldnf that calls this library to convert an expression to the DNF is also provided.Features:a simple boolean expression parser (supports...


ConvertAll 0.6.0

ConvertAll is a cross-platform and open source graphical software written in the Python programming language around the Qt toolkit and designed to allow users to easily convert between several units, from inches per decade, from meter to pounds, as well...

ReferenceFinder is a software that finds folding sequences to approximately locate any point in a square using a small number of folds.When one is designing an origami model using mathematical tools such as TreeMaker, the crease pattern is usually defined...