PLoP Linux

PLoP Linux 4.3.4 updated

PLoP Linux is an independent and completely free distribution of Linux built around the PLoP Boot Manager software and designed from the ground up to be used for general system rescue and data recovery operations. It distributed in two editions,...


Xubuntu 18.04.1 LTS / 17.10.1 / 16.04.5 LTS updated

Welcome to Xubuntu, an official flavor of the world’s most popular free operating system, Ubuntu Linux, built around the lightweight Xfce graphical desktop environment. It is oriented towards low-end machines and computers with old hardware...

Guadalinex Lite is an open source and freely distributed desktop-oriented operating system derived from the world’s most popular distribution of Linux, Ubuntu, and designed only for Spanish-speaking users and computers with old or semi-old hardware...

Porteus Kiosk Edition

Porteus Kiosk Edition 4.7.0 updated

Porteus Kiosk Edition is a specialized distribution of Linux that provides users with a locked down computing environment, designed to be deployed on public libraries, Internet Cafes or any other business establishment that provides Internet access to...

Linux Deepin

Linux Deepin 2014.3 / 15 Alpha 2 updated

Linux Deepin (formarly Hiweed GNU/Linux) is an open source and freely distributed operating system based on the Ubuntu Linux distribution and featuring its own desktop environment, theme, icons, and login manager. Availability, boot options and system...

VectorLinux Light

VectorLinux Light 7.1 / 7.2 Beta updated

VectorLinux Light is an open-source and completely free operating system derived from the Slackware Linux distribution and designed from the ground up to be as lightweight as possible, suitable for low-end machines and computers with old and semi-old...


CPX-MINI USB 2005-04

CPX-MINI USB is a shrinked version of KANOTIX linux live-cd. Its size is only 230 MB in order to fit a USB-Stick. Installed on HD it currently only takes ~560MB.KANOTIX CPX-MINI distribution is based on KANOTIX which is based on Debian.Here are some key...

Red Hat Linux is a pioneer operating system based on the Linux kernel and using the highly-acclaimed RPM (Red Hat Package Manager or RPM Package Manager) package management system.Red Hat Linux 9 is an open source Linux distribution, the last version of...


IPFire 2.19 Core 120 / 3.0 Alpha 1 updated

IPFire is an open source operating system that has been designed from the ground up to act as a dedicated, secure and flexible firewall system based on some of the best Linux technologies, such as iptables, OpenSSL and OpenSSH. Distributed as a 32-bit ISO...

Navigatrix is a free and open source operating system that comprises of various electronic software designed for communication, navigation, information and security, which you can use on shore, offshore, or at anchor. It is lightweight and simple, and...