Wolvix Games

Wolvix Games 1.0.4

Wolvix is a GNU/Linux LiveCD built from SLAX. Wolvix is a desktop oriented distribution made to fit the needs from regular to advanced desktop users.Along with the applications you'll get some of the best free Linux games. (No 3D gfx card required).Games...

Kaboot Linux Operating system aims to provide an operating system which you can take anywhere and has all your favourite programs on.Kaboot operating system is avaliable as a Live CD or Live USB you can take with you anywhere.A number of different...


SecureDVD 20060528

SecureDVD is a live DVD collection featuring the 10 Best Security Live CD Distros (Pen-Test, Forensics & Recovery) as per Darknet (see article here) on one single DVD.Distributions...


pdaXrom 1.1.0r198

pdaXrom project is a cross-platform Linux distribution with own build system. Its targets are PDA and embedded systems. pdaXrom uses X11 for GUI applications, hence greater versatility, improved portability and better performance.This distribution...

Slast (formerly known as Slasterisk) is a Linux Live CD project combining Slax and Asterisk 1.4.With the ease of modifying Slax to create a custom cd, you can have a live cd with 'your' Asterisk install on it, doing whatever you need a pbx to do. Slast is...

intux OS

intux OS 0.98 Beta

intux OS is a new PCLinuxOS-based Live DVD Linux distribution developed by a group of engineering students in New Delhi, India.Username:- rootPassword:- rootintuxProject is for those people who find it difficult to sustain the initial threshold of Linux...


Exherbo 1.0

Exherbo is a Linux distribution designed for people who know what they're doing with Linux. It is inspired in many places by Gentoo - in particular, it supports flexible source-based installation with up-front configuration.Exherbo is not a Gentoo fork in...