Chicago HSI is an application to research spatial relationships between homicide events in Chicago. This tool is comprised of multiple federal, state, and regional data resources organized into an intuitive visual display. Filter homicide events by:...

Getquote is a software which is capable of downloading stock, ETF, mutual fund or index (such as dji for Dow Jones Industrial Average index, SPX for S&P 500 index, and NDX for NASDAQ 100 index) quote history data. It can also be used to download active...

LFPConverter creates Bates ranges from IPRO LFP load files. You have the choice of creating begin/end batesnumber only or include begin/end attachment ranges. You can choose to have attachment values in blank or filled in. The file created can...

TrademarkHunter searches for, downloads, and manages trademarks from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Create search sessions and search reports, and e-mail trademarks directly to third parties. The simple and intuitive interface provides easy...

With EzSupport-NY, Family Law Professionals Get Electric data collection feature, cutting hours' of work into minutes,automated common New York divorce forms such as summons, complaints, affidavits, etc. Click here to see the list of forms included,an...