Jessica's friends set her up on a date with Johnny. He was scared to ask her out because of her father. He was glad that Jessica would go out with him to the baseball game, but he didn't expect her father to come along. Try to kiss without getting...

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Select the Naruto character you want by clicking on there name, Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Tenten, Naruko, and Temari. Then dress them up with all available clothes and accessories to make them beautiful...

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Everyone loves ice cream and so this cute little girl. She is very much fond of ice creams and so she always moves around the ice cream van. As she is busy eating her ice creams, she needs your help to get her dressed up and choose the perfect...

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Kiss Rush

Kiss Rush 1.0

Oprah is a super star and has good reputation. But she love's her secret boyfriend so much. So please help her make out with her boyfriend with a good long kiss. But be carefull of the Paparazzi lurking behind the...

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Gabriella is on a date with her boyfriend, Tim. In order for her to go, her parents decided that she could if she would take her younger brother along. Try to kiss then not let her brother catch you. Three is a Crowd is on Girls...

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Smash some tiles and create a mosaic masterpiece of your very own! Select the colored shards of your choice and fill part of the selected plate pattern that you want and use the brush too place multiple shards at one...

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There must be a way to make out. With so many security cameras, funny muscular men, old men plus children and there has to be a way not to get caught. Read the hints to figure out how to get away with...

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Two students are falling in love in a music class and want to kiss. But it is not permitted in school. So when they are dating, you should help them not get...

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Contrary to popular belief, brunettes have more fun! Turn this brunette into a beauty queen for an evening of fun by changing her hair, tops, pants, dresses, shoes, jewellery and accessories. Once your finished she will be a hot chic...

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You are going for a date with your boyfriend in gym class. You need to look good and for that you have to collect all the things you need for the date. See the...

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