Works by auto-filling a select box based on the user's previous selection.This allows a developer to create more personal forms, that update in real-time and provide a much smaller selection base, providing only options that are of interest to the...


jQuery.IME 0.1.0

jQuery.IME will help developers internationalize their applications and Web pages by providing a widget to change the input language for form elements.This allows text to be entered in a different alphabet and character sets without any advanced coding on...

Offscreen.js works by detecting if an element is to the right or left side of a screen.If so, and if the element is in danger of going outside the screen, the plugin adds a special class (if left or right) to the element.These classes can then be used to...

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Selectors is what drives jQuery. The ability to select one or more DOM elements is what made jQuery the best DOM manipulation library today.The wSelectors plugin adds a few new selectors to the already big selector base that comes with Sizzle, the default...

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For the plugin to function properly, the table should have an id attribute.Also, the table should be decorated with CSS class name, because it does not work well with css ids or style attributes yet.The table’s class attribute should have...

The animation is visible in the browser tabs and the desktop application tabs (when the page is active). A working demo is included with the download package.Requirements:JavaScript enabled on client side jQuery 1.2.3 or...


jTemplate 1.0.0

jTemplate uses data structures loaded from arrays and objects to populate DOM elements.It's a very basic template engine system, suitable only for smaller data collections and simple "HTML population" tasks.Requirements:JavaScript enabled on client...

bindWithDelay is a more simple and lightweight alternative to using timeout functions.The plugin forces jQuery to ignore similar events that it would normally react, only until the timeout period expires.After the timeout expires the event is considered...

It will show a progress bar when loading content on a page.The script is very easy to use and implement. A working demo is included in the download package.Requirements:JavaScript enabled on client...


FailSafe 1.0.2

FailSafe was designed to prevent an app or website from breaking due to client-side conditions.For now it deals with Internet connection disruptions and low battery levels when the site/app is viewed from a mobile device.When both situations occur, both...