
jBar 1.0

By default, the bars will disappear if the user clicks on them.They'll also disappear if nobody interacts with them after a certain period of time.The jBar notification bars are styleable via CSS, so they can be easily added to any project that needs a...

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jLayout 0.17

The library provides methods for manipulating grid elements, borders, margins, layout flow, minimum sizes, adjustable margin lines, etc..These methods can be used to let the developer control his page programmatically, via JavaScript code.The developer...


jlEmbed 5.0.0

Instead of creating complicated HTML structures to load and play multimedia files via various means, jlEmbed provides a quick way to do this via a single line of JavaScript code.Just by filling in some quick technical details as jlEmbed parameters, a...


jLoader 1.1.1

It displays an overlay until all the images and background images in the div are loaded.If that div contains the whole website, like wrapper divs do, then it will preload the entire website.Features:Supports custom arguments no need for external CSS Can...


JLoggins 1.0.1

JLoggins was written and is intended for testing and development environments only.It was created to provide a way to make sure various actions will get recorded in the console.A demo is included with the package's README file.What is new in this...

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jMetro 1.0

Modeled after the Modern UI (formerly known as Metro UI), this theme provides styles for all common jQuery UI elements.This includes modal, auto-complete, buttons, warnings, tab panel, date picker, auto-complete etc.Besides the basic package, a theme...


jmpress.js 0.4.5

Impress.js is a JavaScript library for creating PowerPoint-like presentations in the browsers The plugin utilizes the most modern technologies (CSS3 transforms and transitions) for creating unique page/slide transitions.The original impress.js library can...


jPut 2.0.2 updated

jPut can be used whenever your want to dynamically control the content displayed on a Web page, but don't want to use a server-side programming language to do so.This small jQuery plugin lets you setup page layouts using a special syntax, mixing HTML...

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jq.entry 1.0.0

jq.entry is a jQuery plugin that can watch the mouse cursor and detect the direction from which it enters certain elements.Coupled with the callback functions it comes equipped with for mouse enter and mouse leave events, the plugin can be used to trigger...

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jqGrid 5.0.2 updated

It takes data and presents it inside interactive tables, all with dynamic AJAX calls. jqGrid can easily be integrated with lots of server-side languages like PHP, Java Servlets, JSP, ColdFusion, ASP and Perl. A demo is included with the download...

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