Ensure your success in SCJP 5.0 exam with Whizlabs preparation kit. Backed by Unconditional 150% Test PASS Guarantee, it contains 6 full length simulated Mock Exams and Interactive Quiz (over 580 questions) on the real exam pattern. The advanced features...

Ensure your success in SCMAD exam with Whizlabs preparation kit. Backed by Unconditional 150% Test PASS Guarantee, it contains 5 full length simulated Mock Exams and Interactive Quiz (over 480 questions) on the real exam pattern. The advanced features...

Ensure your success in SCWCD 1.4 exam with Whizlabs preparation kit. Backed by Unconditional 150% Test PASS Guarantee, it contains 5 full length simulated Mock Exams and Interactive Quiz (over 490 questions) on the real exam pattern. The advanced features...

The supported API's include Registry management (read/write), Launching files, Common dialogues, Kill tasks, Capture keystrokes (System or application wide), all from Java. Note: This includes the IE controller...

WinKIT Lite is the popular free version of our WinKIT Pro program that provides a menu driven interface that greatly simplifies the execution of basic PC related maintenance tasks, such as Disk Defrag, Windows Update, and MSConfig. This version is the...


Winreg 1.2

Winreg ist just a small class, which demonstrate the registry access on windows from a java application. You do not need any library, dll, native system call. It uses the standard java api. ASL 2.0, so you can include it in your...


WizzLabel 1.0

From the developer: "WizzLabel is a simple Java applet that allows any scripting language to display text, interactively, on the client. WizzLabel is especially useful with JavaScript menus, where descriptive text for each menu option needs to be...

This applet is a crossword puzzle. Select your language, how many words to be generated, minimum size of words, placement of words whether they be vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or reversed.Requirements:Windows...


Word2Help 0.9.5

Word2Help is a converter from Microsoft Word document(s) into Macromedia Dreamweaver Web pages (articles). Using Microsoft Word is a best way to work with documents. With Word2Help you can use it for manage content too. Just put document file name into...