
MFSampledSP 0.9.1

MFSampledSP is a free and Windows-7-or-later implementation of some of the javax.sound.sampled.spi interfaces. It is part of the SampledSP collection of javax.sound.sampled libraries. Its main purpose is to decode audio from various formats at high speed....


GCViewer 1.28

GCViewer is a free open source tool to visualize data produced by the Java VM options -verbose:gc and -Xloggc:. It also calculates garbage collection related performance metrics (throughput, accumulated pauses, and longest pause). It supported format are...


Jipes 0.9.6

Jipes is an open source library that allows you to efficiently compute audio features. Possible uses for these features are general music information retrieval (MIR) applications. Jipes attempts to avoid duplication of work, by applying some simple...