
AlterVerwalter 1.3.3389

AlterVerwalter is the ideal small library manager: Unlimited books and lenders, free data fields, full text search applicable for every action which makes researching easy as a pie. Data is kept in XML format for easy exchange. Loan, return, renew with...


Apollo 5.05

Using Apollo you can keep all your prospects, customers, suppliers, products, categories together in one program. You can enter orders, produce invoices, credit notes, purchase orders, statements. A large range of pre-formatted reports is included...

Asset Farm is the professional administration software for an effective asset management system. With its integrated application tools, Asset Farm provides an excellent solution for professional administrators to maintain the integrity of the system from...

Assets and Entities

Assets and Entities

Assets and Entities is software developed to effectively manage a businesses assets and processes. It has several features including the Return Merchandise Authorization, hierarchical groups for products, import and export functions for most applications....

AuditWizard is a fast, effective and accurate PC auditing software. Discover all your hardware, software and application licenses across your entire organization in minutes. AuditWizard helps you achieve total visibility of what's on your network, from...