HTML Scripting Pages (HSP) is a clientside, ASP compatible scripting plug-in for Internet Explorer. HSP makes it possible to run ASP Web pages on any Windows PC without a Web server involved. You can run ASP pages in either Internet Explorer or the...

IBasic has syntax similar to BASIC languages, which most are familiar with such as Quick BASIC or Visual BASIC. IBasic can compile standalone Windows programs, 3D games, and utilities. No external runtimes are needed to distribute software created with...

HtmCompiler is a very powerful HTML compiler. It transforms a group of HTML pages (including Media files and graphics files) into a single executable file or a compressed package (hte format file). The executable file is a standalone entity with minimum...

From the developer: "BFC Automata is a programming environment and an interpreter for 5 types of Automata: DFA, NFA, DSA, NSA and Turing Machines. The program also has Debug features, including Step-by-Step and Full Report, and it has the ability to...

SheerPower 4GL Basic

SheerPower 4GL Basic 3.4 build 18

SheerPower 4GL is the Next Generation Programming Language for Windows. SheerPower is a full development language, but shares many advantages with scripting languages -- such as ultra-fast development speeds and ease of learning the language. SheerPower...

RapidBATCH is a popular scripting language for Windows platforms, which goal is the fast and uncomplicated solution of smaller and median software-problems today's computer users are dealing with. For this, RapidBATCH follows its own, simple philosophy:...


thinBasic 1.5

thinBasic is a Basic like language interpreter. Its target is to have a scripts text file to be interpreted and executed immediately by a simple double click or by an automated scheduled tasks. More than 500 predefined keywords. All main program flow:...

MariaBasic Interpreter

MariaBasic Interpreter updated

The Maria Basic Interpreter is a command-line programming tool--interpreter aimed to help PDA users code formula/calculations, string and file procedures that execute on their handhelds. The included source code may easily (re) compile for various OS/CPU...

Lingua is an IDE-based software tool that translates a description of a language into a C-based parser for that language. It was originally created to recognize and parse English sentences and fragments, loading of vocabulary and definitions into a neuric...

Ai Trainer

Ai Trainer 2.1b-ii

The Ai Trainer is a program that assists the client in creating Artificial Intelligence. It was fashioned to allow the average computer user, with little or no programming experience, to construct agents that think (so to speak). These agents can be...