SBNews/News Robot is designed to automatically download and uudecode files from binary newsgroups. SBNews makes no limitation on the type of file that can be downloaded -- everything is possible including archives, executable files, sound clips, and...

The Toolbar is a browser add-in for Internet Explorer, which helps you to quickly assess gambling sites while you surf, and make your online experience more useful and pleasant by adding functionality to your browser. Installing the...

CommunityMate is fundamentally new solution for communities reading. Using this product, you will always be in-touch with favorite communities without constant manual checking them. It periodically checks your communities and notifies you once any new...

Now search books, applications, audios/videos/images, torrents, games, documents more faster and easier than before. QuickSearch have made all things easier, it provides user-friendly environment to search more documents faster than trying on many search...

Fresh Juice is an advanced Craigslist monitoring system. Easily search the entire U.S. in a few easy clicks. Fresh Juice allows you to respond quickly to new/all active postings.What is new in this release:Version features progress bar for...

BinaryVortex downloads files from Usenet Newsgroups. It is optimized for downloading images, and includes both thumbnail and full-screen image viewers. Movies, sound files, applications, and other types of files may be downloaded as well. Supports yEnc,...