
SecureChat 1.0.6

You can use our App SecureChat for free. Its for private use only, all messages you send about it will be encrypted. Other people must have your own Secure-Key to decrypt your messages. Its very safe, and using the US-Army encryption-algorithmus AES, in...

Testing Master is a load and stress testing tool that provides you with an easy to use, consistent and cost-effective way of testing Web sites and intranet applications with web interface. You can test and analyze the performance characteristics and...

HTTP Server Deux

HTTP Server Deux 1.0.0b02

HTTP Server Deux gives 4D developers all of the parsing, formatting, and utility routines needed, smoothly integrated with the TCP Server Deux component, in a small and easily understood component package. HTTP Server Deux provides complete request...

Network Tools Kit is an application for testing a network and a computer in the network. It includes Ping, Traceroute, Lookup, and Whois querying, IP-configuration utilities, and a network scanner. Most of the tools work in multithreading. Network Tools...


99Sent 5

Unlimite File Transfer 99Sent is the very first online virtual shipping company. It provides users with a platform for Unlimited file transfer from you to your OfficePax contacts, and back. OfficePax is a collaboration and managment platfrom for...

Fast Bulk Emailer is freeware that allows you to send customized Emails in HTML or plain text to large lists of emails faster. Fast Bulk Emailer has the ability of reaching speeds of up to 2.8 million emails per hour. You can send your emails using an...

A really useful program (especially useful for eBay). With Instant Upload, you simply drag and drop an image onto the main window and it's uploaded to a temporary Web storage (maintained by Dojotech Software). The link to the hosted file is displayed with...

Reach Over 100,000,000 Prospects. A Complete Internet Advertising free Guide for all This guide includes hundreds of places To Advertise Your Product and Service in front of well over One Hundred Million people through almost every type of Home Business...