ACC-R53C 1.2.0

Are you new to Amazon Route 53 service? Do you want to manage your Route 53 DNS zones with ease? Were you depending on the free R53 Fox Firefox plugin, but need more? Are you tired of translating IDN names because you cannot otherwise manage them? If any...

ApacheConf is the shell for configuring Apache web servers. ApacheConf represents all the information from the httpd.conf file, from the included files, from the log files, .htaccess, .htpasswd, and .htgroup in the structured view. All of the server's...

ApacheConf is the shell for configuring Apache web servers. ApacheConf represents all the information from the httpd.conf file, from the included files, from the log files, .htaccess, .htpasswd, and .htgroup in the structured view. All of the server's...

ArGoSoft Mail Server .NET continues traditions of older Win32 based mail servers. It uses advanced database engine, and contains managed code (.NET) which make it reliable, efficient, and fast. The difference in speed is more noticeable with IMAP and the...

As a Server-side TCP acceleration Software, It is a BurstTCP powered loadable kernel software module that runs on application, web, or cache servers to accelerate content delivery to remote users. It is able to significantly improve the overall user...

Cafe Timer

Cafe Timer updated

Epro Cybersoft features full time management, generate and manage VIP tickets efficiently, system lock or security, and prevents unauthorized shutdown of computer. It also has options like laptop timer, manage customer's laptop connection time with ease,...