
Refresh 1.0

Refresh your browser automatically. Free Refresh refreshes your Internet Explorer web browser with a preset frequency. It enables users to refresh web pages automatically even if it is not coded in the page's source. Refresh is easy to use and it works...

RefreshBar is a simple plug-in that allows you to automatically refresh or reload any Web site at time intervals that you specify. By refreshing at regular intervals, it allows you to keep the most current information in front of you, and saves you the...

The Revoltage Toolbar has such features: Web Search, Useful links, e-mail notifyer. Enter your e-mail address and it'll automatically tell you when you have new mail. Just click on it to view your e-mails. Chat Room. Weather for your region, very precise...

Rip Clip

Rip Clip 2.1

Need to save Web articles? Focused more on article extraction as opposed to Web site extraction, Rip Clip has specific features for this task that make it superior to other offline browsing tools. Features include the ability to get information about the...

It's free, with no spyware or viruses, does not open pop-ups or hijack your searches, and no personal information is required. Includes a cookie cleaner, a history cleaner, and a cache cleanerGet notified when you receive new e-mails to your POP3, Yahoo,...

Save Flash is the most versatile tool with which you can save any flash animation with just a single click. All your favorite flash games, flash cards, flash banners and cartoons can be saved with just a single click and made available as a collection...