
Mimeo 3.0.9

Mimeo was created to help images render properly on tablets and smartphones.In these aforementioned devices, if rendered at real ratio and size, most images will simply go off-screen or ruin a page's layout.Mimeo works by simply scaling them down to...


Riloadr 1.5.3

Riloadr was built after Yahoo's image loading mechanism, also used with the YUI framework.The entire purpose of this library is to let developers control how, when, and in what conditions an image gets loaded on a page.Controlling this process can improve...


jQuery.LazyContent 0.3.0 updated

jQuery.LazyContent allows webmasters to optimize their larger Web pages for better performance in today's Internet where page loading speeds matter to both search engines and users alike.The plugin works by loading only the images visible on screen at...


IM.js 1.3

IM.js uses JavaScript and the HTML5 canvas utility to perform this task, taking each images' pixels and comparing it to the other images' pixels from the same position on the canvas.After all images are compared, IM.js will return a percentage of how...

Retina Images

Retina Images 1.7.2 updated

Works by setting a cookie with the device's aspect ratio and delivering images at different qualities based on that setting.If the aspect ratio is bigger than 1, a high resolution version of the desired image is server.If a high-res version isn't...


Layzr.js 1.4.3 updated

Layzr.js works by telling the user's browser to postpone the loading of image files shown out of the viewport, delaying them to the moment when the user scrolls down the page and the images either enter the page or come to rest near the...


LazyLoad 1.5.5 updated

LazyLoad is different from other lazy-loading systems because it heavily relies on the srcset attribute and comes with special support for progressive JPEG files.The library is quite easy to implement, has some pretty solid default options, but also a lot...

useful.cropper.js is a JavaScript and PHP solution to run your own image cropping system.It works by overlaying a transparent DIV over the image, with a cut-out box on top, giving a preview of what the cut-out image could look like.Users can grab the...

useful.catalog.js is an alternative to those bulky Flash-based magazine widgets, letting developers embed images in a magazine-like display.This widget is perfect when wanting to insert an online version of a magazine or catalog on your site, allowing...


Kubist 1.0

Kubist takes a regular photo and using a triangle or circle-based algorithm transform the photo into a low-poly mesh, a technique usually used in 3D rendering software.The result is outputted using SVG graphics, with special controls that allow the user...