
Txt2dots 1.2

Have you ever sweat for hours over a project involving a logo with characters composed from blinking lamps? Or one where the customer wanted a logo made from tiny diamonds? Or the Euro-symbol picture from tiny coins? If any of the answers was yes, you...

Ultimate Fractal generates fractal designs of amazing detail. They are created using mathematical formulae and are infinite in their ability to be viewed in ever increasing detail. Fractals are complex, detailed geometric patterns found throughout the...

With Urban Painter, paintings can be saved in gif, png or bmp lossless graphical formats. Urban Painter have five build-in symmetry modes at current version. At sixth mode "No reflections" programm will not adding nothing to drawing lines. Program has two...


VDraw 5.0 updated

VDraw5 is a professional vector diagram and data visualization software.VDraw5 introduced UML diagram, SysML diagram, ERD diagram and project management. VDraw5 suppport data-driven data visualization, so you can import data in Microsoft Access, Execl or...

vector Studio 2.0 is a suite of Adobe Illustrator plug-ins that includes tools for editing colors and shapes, creating textures and gradients, and managing your workspace. Vector Studio 2.0 is fully compatible with Adobe Illustrator 10. ...


Vectorder 1.1

Vectorder plug-in tools is the new easy way to intuitively arrange and lock or unlock art objects in Adobe Illustrator. The Arrange Tool orders art objects and the Lock Tool locks or unlocks art objects. Two easy steps to arrange art objects in front or...