With Yildun scanner paint program you can change image bit per pixel, color adjustment, resizing a image, rotating, paint a image and more. It is fast and easy paint program. Program features: Image Viewer, screen capture, resizing a image,...

Junior Airbrush offers a simple painting program that uses an airbrush style nozzle. ou can switch the nozzle shape between round and square. The size and pressure/opacity can also be varied using the sliders provided plus you can change the paint colour....

From the developer: ""Symmetrica is a powerful 3D drafting and modeling program, designed entirely using Microsoft Visual C++ and the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) libraries. Symmetrica delivers the serious drafting capabilities of expensive and...

This tool, based on Perlin noise algorithm, lets you explore random distortions of your images. It is designed with the purpose of creating psychedelic, funny, eerie caricatures of a portrait. There are 20 preset images of old paintings (Gioconda,...

Using MBConstructor you can quickly create a data management model for any of your MODBUS devices. Unlike other available solutions on the market, which provide displaying data as columns of abstract numbers of the same type, Modbus Constructor represents...

HandyDiagram is a vector-based graphic drawing software. As we know, such as Visio, so large and expensive, complex and difficult to use, many features are not to need for us really. HandyDiagram is easy to use due to focus on useful features. It...